11 Killer Strategies To Kick-Start Your YouTube Marketing Strategy

Visual content has become an important part of modern marketing, whether it’s an eye-catching graphic, engaging video, or stunning photography. Just as a crow is instinctively drawn to shiny objects, social media users naturally tend to engage with visually appealing content. In fact, Statista’s latest survey says that 98% of image-loaded LinkedIn posts achieve greater reach, and brands see 3.15% higher engagement with carousel posts compared to a 1.94% engagement rate with regular Instagram posts. In this article, our social media agency team will explore the importance of visual content in your marketing strategy and how it can help you take your brand to the next level.

Power of Visual Content in Marketing

Visual content has become a powerful tool for companies looking to stand out in today’s crowded digital landscape. With the rise of social media, consumers are bombarded with more information and stimuli than ever before, making it difficult for companies to get their message across. However, with visual content, businesses can cut through the noise and capture their audience’s attention in ways that simply aren’t possible with words.

Whether it’s a visually appealing graphic, an engaging video, or a stunning photo, visual content has the ability to engage consumers on an immediate emotional level. In fact, studies have shown that people are much more likely to remember information that is presented to them in a visual format than if it is only in text form. This makes visual content an incredibly effective tool for building brand awareness, increasing engagement, and increasing sales.

People Like Visuals

As already mentioned, humans are visual creatures. Online consumers may only retain 10 to 20% of the information they read or hear, but once that information is combined with images, the information retained suddenly increases to 65%. The human brain can only process a very limited amount of information at any given time. Additionally, any information that can be processed faster will be prioritised to grab a person’s attention. For this reason, visuals and images are better suited for content than simple blocks or lines of text. People on social media are more willing to interact with visual content. In fact, 40% of online users respond more positively to visual content than to simple text content.

For example, tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than tweets without images, while Facebook posts with images generate 2.3 times more engagement than posts without images. 

Create Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness is about getting your brand in front of as many people as possible and leaving a lasting impression. And visual content is a powerful tool for doing just that. Visual content, be it a graphic, photo, or YouTube marketing strategy, can instantly capture your audience’s attention and communicate your brand message in a way that words simply cannot. By consistently using visually appealing content that accurately reflects your brand’s values and personality, you can build a strong brand identity and stand out from your competitors.

Visual content is easy to share and can increase your reach and visibility online, especially on social media platforms. By creating visually appealing content that resonates with your target audience, you increase the likelihood that they will share your content with their own followers, which will help spread your brand’s message far and wide.

Better Views

Your social media content generates 94% more views when it contains visual elements, proving that people prefer to engage with content that is informative and easy on the eyes. This can be invaluable, especially if you want to deliver a well-personalized message to your audience and ensure that your message reaches your audience appropriately. Additionally, views on your social media posts can increase by 48% if they contain both images and videos.

Along with that, press releases with photos can generate 14% more views upon publication. Attracting the right attention with your social media marketing is crucial to the success of your campaign. By adding visual content to your strategies, you can capture the attention needed to get your message across to your target audience.

Better Engagement

High-quality visual content in your social media marketing efforts can generate more likes, shares and comments than plain text. In fact, your articles’ engagement can be increased by 37% when optimised with engaging visual content. Additionally, engaging visual content is more likely to go viral, meaning people are more likely to share it with their friends, family, and other online community members. Plus, attractive images won’t just go viral. They can also help your audience better understand or appreciate the message you want to convey. 

For example, if it is accompanied by a relaxing nature photo, your message will be received much better. If your content is clickable, it can generate lots of inbound links. Make sure your    Facebook marketing company includes your logo so everyone knows where the content comes from. Inbound links make your content more relevant and improve your search rankings while generating 60% more interest from your target audience.

People Love Videos More

Video is one of the most important visual aspects of content marketing today. However, by 2019, 80% of internet traffic will be video traffic. In general, online viewers prefer watching videos rather than reading plain text. In fact, four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it. On the contrary, 90% of consumers say that watching a product video is a big help in making a purchase decision. Additionally, 64% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching a product video. Making videos the most important visual aspect of your social media strategy will undoubtedly increase your sales.

Incorporating videos as engaging visual content will increase social media follower engagement. The fact is that Facebook users watch 8 billion videos every day, and live videos turned out to be the most popular format.

Go with a Calculated Social Media Strategy

How can you reap all the benefits of social media marketing? Do you need a professional hand to surprise your audience with viral reels? Look no further because we are a social media marketing agency in India that loves playing with technology and talent. From stunning graphics to engaging videos, we have gained the ability to captivate and inspire viewers. Step up your social media game with us today, and let your brand shine.